About Us
2nd Generation Bowman Leading PCC in South Sudan
Our Story
Partners in Compassionate Care (PCC) was founded out of the love and caring of “Lost Girls and Boys” from South Sudan by the David Bowman Family and the Sandy Bixler Family. In 2004, at the invitation of the South Sudanese Church, David Bowman lead a group of nine to South Sudan. As a response of their experience, David Bowman formed Partners in Compassionate Care as a spiritual vehicle to bring hope and healing to the impoverished and vulnerable of South Sudan. In 2009, Memorial Christian Hospital opened. Thousands of people were provided hope and healing until 2013 when the hospital closed due to tribal unrest and flooding. Clinical services were relocated to Bor County where over a 100 people daily received hope and healing. In March of 2023, the Bor Clinic closed due to a dispute over land ownership and the seizing of PCC’s clinical assets by the Bor County Government. Through the challenges of 2023 PCC continued to offer gratitude to God for HIS faithfulness and trusted GOD’s timing in the negotiations, release and relocation of PCC’s clinical assets to the Juba area in June of 2024.
In January of 2020, David Bowman passed from this life and entered his heavenly home. PCC continued under the leadership of Board Chair, Carolyn Garrett until her resignation in June of 2023. On July 1, 2023, David’s son, Stuart Bowman, accepted the position of Board Chair to continue his father’s legacy and the provision of hope and healing to the people of South Sudan.
Stuart transitioned into the role of PCC Board Chair modeling his father’s legacy of love, passion and commitment not only to God, but to others. As PCC was founded on the principle of modeling one’s actions and care on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Stuart is leading PCC forward as a spiritual vehicle by following Christ’s teachings of caring by bringing Hope, Healing and Discipleship to the orphans and the vulnerable. By providing Christ centered education and programing, PCC’s hope is to raise up the next generation of Christians in South Sudan.
Follow PCC as the journey in South Sudan continues.
Mission, Vision and Values
Mission Statement
Partners in Compassionate Care (PCC) exists for the purpose of providing Christ-centered hope and healing to the people of South Sudan.
Christ-Centered to care about and meet THEIR Spiritual and Physical Needs.
Community Driven Focus on THEIR Needs not ours.
Empower through Education and Training to develop Life Skills and Capabilities.
Sustainability: Create Self-Sufficiency not Dependency.
Vision Statement
To Raise up the Next Generation of Christian Disciples in South Sudan.
Guiding Principles
Show God’s Love: – Model Christ like behavior and mutual respect to everyone.
Focus on the Fatherless: Train and Education the Next Generation
Spirit of Partnership: work with Persons, Facilities, Organizations and Programs who in the unity of purpose can help us achieve our objectives.