Become a Beacon of Hope in the lives of the children in South Sudan
The Board of Partners in Compassionate Care (PCC) extends our heartfelt gratitude for your faithfulness, prayers, and support of PCC's mission in South Sudan.
PCC was founded upon identifying that South Sudan needed Hope and Healing at a time of civil war and unrest. Moving forward, PCC will continue to be a beacon of Hope and Healing by merging Healthcare with Education and Biblical Training to meet both the Physical and the Spiritual needs of the Sudanese people. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ will provide the knowledge and skills needed for daily living to raise up the next Generation of Christian Disciples in South Sudan.

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
- John 13:34.
PCC will continue to provide hope for the Vulnerable IN South Sudan.
Every Dollar Counts. Click and See How.
Wound Care Supplies
Treat Infections/Malaria/Restock Medicines
Provides Beds/Bedding
Support Daily Education/Nutritious Food
Support Educational, Discipleship and Vocational Programs
Support Medical Staff Salaries

Our Mission:
To support Christ-Centered Education and Biblical Training for the Vulnerable of South Sudan.
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